Poetry Irish Language

Tost agus Allagar

Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh

2016 Coiscéim

Bíonn gach uile scríbhneoir cráite go pointe ag uirlis seo na teangan, ag iarraidh teacht ar an bhfocal beacht. I gcás na Gaeilge, bíonn ualach níos troime fós i gceist mar bíonn ort an uirlis a chosaint i láthair daoine nach gcreideann gurb ann di.

Every writer is tortured to a point by this language tool, trying to find the exact word. In the case of Irish, there is yet a heavier burden in question because you have to defend the tool to those who do not believe it exists.

Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh

Tost agus Allagar

Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh

2016 Coiscéim

Bíonn gach uile scríbhneoir cráite go pointe ag uirlis seo na teangan, ag iarraidh teacht ar an bhfocal beacht. I gcás na Gaeilge, bíonn ualach níos troime fós i gceist mar bíonn ort an uirlis a chosaint i láthair daoine nach gcreideann gurb ann di.

Every writer is tortured to a point by this language tool, trying to find the exact word. In the case of Irish, there is yet a heavier burden in question because you have to defend the tool to those who do not believe it exists.

Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh


Seo é an dara cnuasach ó pheann Ní Ghearbhuigh. Baineann na dánta le modhanna cumarsáide, le teangacha neamhghnáthacha agus le teagmháil nach bhfuil ag brath ar chaint.

This is Ní Ghearbhuigh’s second collection. The poems are about modes of communication, unusual languages and non-verbal contact.

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