Réaltán Ní Leannáin
2015 • Cló Iar-Chonnacht
A good story holds my attention throughout, and provokes a chain of thought. The chain that I create will be different to that of the person sitting next to me on the bus to work. But we will both return to the same full stop in the same paragraph, reading different things from the same words. People matter. If the characterisation is good, every-thing else will fall into place.
— Réaltán Ní Leannáin
Réaltán Ní Leannáin
2015 • Cló Iar-Chonnacht
A good story holds my attention throughout, and provokes a chain of thought. The chain that I create will be different to that of the person sitting next to me on the bus to work. But we will both return to the same full stop in the same paragraph, reading different things from the same words. People matter. If the characterisation is good, every-thing else will fall into place.
— Réaltán Ní Leannáin
Bean dhílis tréigthe, bean eile ag dul i ngleic leis an éigniú agus fuadach a hóige, pacáistí rúnda agus fear ag saothrú an bháis. Tiomsaithe faoi chlúdach an leabhar seo tá scéal casta an ghrá, briseadh croí agus díoltas, bás agus buairt an tsaoil, soineantacht na hóige agus briseadh na soineantachta céanna.
These stories are grounded in everyday life, in its raw and tragic beauty. A loyal woman betrayed, another coming to terms with rape and her stolen childhood. Children carrying secret parcels and a man reflecting on his life as it comes to an end. Collected in the pages of this book readers will find love, heartbreak and revenge, death and sadness, the innocence of youth and the loss of that innocence.
Prizes & Awards
- Litríocht: Réaltán Ní Leannáin Faoi Agallamh
- Raidió na Life: Réaltán Ní Leannáin ag Caint faoi Dilís
- BL: Réaltán Ní Leannáin Reading an Extract From Dílis
- BL: Réaltán Ní Leannáin Reading Dílis at Flash Fiction Armagh
- Clo Iar-Chonnacht: Rang Beag Scríbhneoireachta le Cló Iar-Chonnacht